School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support
1. Cell phones may be used on school grounds before school, during lunch, and after school.
2. Cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, and school offices unless otherwise stated by a teacher.
3. During the instructional day, cell phones must remain out of sight and in AIRPLANE MODE.
4. Unless explicitly allowed by a staff member, headphones and other listening devices may only be used before, lunch, and after school.
5. Cell phones must be placed in backpacks, or another location away from students and their desks during tests and assessments.
6. If students need to place an emergency phone call during the day, they should request to go to the main office to use an office phone.
7. Students may be subject to disciplinary action if their use of their cell phones disrupts the school’s educational environment. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: cheating, bullying, harassment, unlawful recording or photographing, and violating other school rules.
8. The school and its staff are not responsible for any damage to or theft of a student’s cell phone. Students must properly secure and take care of their own phones.
9. Students and their parents must read the cell phone policy and return a signed copy to the office at the beginning of the school year. Signing the policy acknowledges acceptance. In order to maintain the usage of your cell phone on campus, a signed cell phone policy must be on record.
1. One student leaves a classroom at a time to use the restroom. One student must have a green bathroom pass and must report to the main office with the green bathroom pass.
2. Students must turn the pass in completely filled out by the teacher. Then the student must complete the restroom key log. The key is checked out to one student at a time. DO NOT GIVE THE KEY TO ANOTHER STUDENT or LEAVE THE DOORS OPEN.
3. Bathroom Doors will remain open before school, lunch and after school only. During classroom instruction, bathroom doors are to remain completely closed.
4. Bathroom privileges are on a first come first serve basis, unless there is an extreme emergency. Emergencies are determined by students and teachers.
5. Classroom restroom privileges are not opportunities to spend time on your phone. Teachers may ask for your phone before you leave for the restroom.
6. Any student who abuses the restroom or blatantly takes advantage of the process will have a parent/guardian conference
•Tank Tops and Off-Shoulder Shirts: At least two-inch straps
•Leggings need to be in-tack, not shredded
•Pajamas are for bed, not school
•No Vulgarity symbols or words on shirts or hats
•No Bare Midriffs higher than one-inch
•Keep Undergarments Hidden
•No Gang-Related Clothing
•No Overly Bulky Clothing
•Wear belts if your clothes are falling off of you
•Appropriate Footwear that is safe and comfortable
•Hats free of vulgarity or inappropriate symbols. And please remove in classrooms
•Sunglasses are great outside, absolutely not necessary indoors.
“Your digital footprint is anything that is about you or put out by you online,” This includes social media, your own website, and articles about you or written by you. It spans all time and doesn’t just include what’s found at the top of the page—it can be information that is both easy and hard to find.
Anything on social media can be made public. Remind your teens that anyone can see what they post online -- even if they think no one will. Potential employers and college admissions staff often browse applicants' social media accounts. Ask your teens to think about who might see their profiles and how others might interpret their posts.
Online posts can be cut, altered, pasted, and sent around. Once they put something online, it's out of their control, which means it can be taken out of context and used to hurt them or someone else. Tell them that stuff posted online can last forever. If they wouldn't put something on the wall of the school hallway, they shouldn't post it online.
Avoid drama and hurting others. Help them think about the consequences of forwarding harmful messages or embarrassing photos. It's also hurtful to pretend to be other people by using their accounts or creating fake ones.
Don't post your location. Many social media platforms allow kids to post their locations. Although it might be tempting to use these features to connect with friends, it's just not safe for teens.
Watch the clock. It's easy to spend a lot of time on social media if you're not careful. Hours and hours can go by, which isn't great for getting homework done, practicing sports or music, reading, or spending time with others.
•Respect is always showing what you value and love about yourself and others
•Responsible for your learning and desire to know more
•Ready to show what you know on time in your classes
•Post positive messages, stay away from offensive language and profanity
•Remember, if it’s on the internet, it’s everywhere, so make sure what you say counts and your voice is heard in a positive and kind way
•If someone makes a mistake, try your best to forgive, forget and move forward.
•Bring your best self every day, your best makes everyone around you better.